Seerus 1A

Collect, moderate and spreas the satisfaction of your clients in order to convert new prospects on the internet
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The opinion manager enables any company to automatically collect reviews from customers, reply to them, and publish them as advertising messages on different channels. A simple and effective principle: don't say you are the best, let your clients say it for you!

It was due to the finding that a customer is not only a source of income, but also the best product advisor and a significant advertising medium, that we decided to develop the Seerus reviews manager.

The marketed product is therefore presented in the form of an opinion manager, a tool enabling reviews to be collected from clients, moderated, and used as an advertising channel by reproducing them online.

By analyzing the automated data, the solution also offers the possibility to get a clear look at the strengths and weaknesses of the company or of a sales person and also to identify the basic aspects to be improved in order to provide a service which meets the customer's expectations.

The Seerus technology does not stop there; it also allows a company to analyze its own results in parallel with the results emanating from other companies in the same sector. In this way, it is possible to compare the satisfaction average obtained by the company with the average of other competitors (benchmarking function)

A company using the Seerus dashboard can therefore, via a single tool:

  • Automatically and accurately check the satisfaction each of its prospects and customers. It can
  • Interact by having a right to reply to the review collected
  • Use these reviews as a channel of communication to its prospects by publishing them on its site, social networks, onto a dedicated directory, and on the Google results page.


Today, 80% of consumers use the internet during the purchasing process.

Moreover, these same people place much more trust in reviews left on the internet that on traditional advertising (40% of credibility to advertising versus 70% to opinions).Today reviews go as far as occupying a place which is as important as the price in a prospect's purchasing process. There is no need for a long speech, remember the last time you booked your hotel on airbnb, chose your car on Uber, or chose your restaurant on Tripadvisor.Despite the growing importance of customer reviews for the E-reputation of a company, it is clear that no solution currently offers its customers an efficient way to enter into interaction with the issuers of these opinions. Connecting with its customers, whether they be negative or positive, allows the company to prove its involvement in the search for customer satisfaction.
There are no, or very few, options for “moderating" opinions in formal terms.Because otherwise, the company risks suffering from its E-reputation rather than making a strength out of it.In a market that is seeking transparency now more than ever, the customer review trend is spreading quickly, and doing so in whatever the sector involved. Ultimately, any business, whether BTC or even BTB will be required to adopt a customer review management solution.


In specific terms, it was due to the finding that a customer is not only a source of income, but also the best product advisor and a significant advertising medium that we decided to develop the Seerus reviews manager.

KOG is, creating a solution that can collect information useful to the company, process it and inform the latter while at the same time offering to make a practical commercial value out of it. The technology allows information to be sought from databases about all the company's prospects and customers, collect their reviews and feelings, analyze them, and return this information to its prospects in order for it to be differentiated.More than an opinion moderator, customer reviews will be used to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the company, and the strengths and weaknesses of the sales teams.

Marketing strategy

The commercial strategy of Seerus is described below:
1) Focus on website/apps creators: their clients could use previous clients’ reviews to choose their provider, seeing their lack of expertise in the field. Moreover, website/apps creators could propose Seerus services to their own clients for example for their e-commerce.
2) Software: a prospective action with accountancy software as well as other apps are forecasted from January 2017 on. For example, an app will be created by 2017 so that Seerus is available to an Odoo client directly from his Odoo account (Odoo has a marketplace and constitutes a suitable large distributor for the extension of Seerus technology.
3) A budget is planned for Seerus to be commercialized on LinkedIn and Google (6000€/month) when Seerus front end is simplified.
Real Advice in Belgium:
- Prospection: selection (door to door, commercial prospection) by region of real estate agencies, with the objective of durably install the brand notoriety (120 unique clients outside the network as of September 2016)
- Software: real estate software promoting our solutions, Real Advice integrating itself integrally as an additional app proposed by the software. The integration allowing the automatized sending of surveys
- Real estate portals: 4 portals in Belgium have already shown their interest in integrating Real Advice reviews on their platform, but also in sending surveys after a contact request. A partnership with the ZIMMO portal allows the automatic sending of 850 surveys per day for 1400 agencies by September
- More importantly, the reviews on the portals carry the RealAdvice logo redirecting them to the directory: the estimated amount of views per month of this logo is 10.000.000: this redirection will allow to sensibly boost the directory.
The Real Advice directory references geographically real estate agencies by the degree of satisfaction of the clients. Its objective is to help an owner to choose the best agency for his region (depending on chosen criteria):
The coordination of these actions should reach the following positive results:
- Rendering the reading of reviews from agency clients as usual as is the reading of a curriculum vitae during a job interview within 1 or 2 years
- The portals collect reviews from new sources that have been treated by the real estate agency
- The real estate agency has a manager that allows to makes visible the review of his clients on his website, on Google, on social networks, on the portals on which it publishes a good, as well as on Real Advice directory, all in just one action.

Distribution strategy

Our service is distributed via two main channels:

1) Direct sales: 3 sales representatives (1 per region, with the exception of the German-speaking region) tasked with making appointments with our prospects.

2) Partner sales: Seerus dashboard was created so that it can easily be exported into a software program or existing application
in order to expand. This process allows us to link the many partnerships with players who already well positioned. This integration allows us to access a set of qualified leads through a committed distribution network.
Seerus's vision is to grow by duplicating its core technology.
Each of our target sectors is subject to a separate surface service via a commercial package, but requires almost no additional technical development of the backend.
Each sector is addressed, one after another. Only after a service has been installed in the market do we move on to the next.

\>\> Our aim is not to increase the offer in the market, but to work with the market!

Internationalisation strategy

In terms of the internationalisation strategy, we benefit from two major advantages:

1) Seerus has been created so that it can be copied and adapted to any sector serving as a technological base. Since there are no additional fixed fees, we are able to provide a service which is tailored to the specific needs of a sector thanks to a specific commercial package and infinite configurability.
This particularly makes it possible to facilitate the marketing of a service via foreign resellers or the integration of our system into a custom brand.

2) Having developed a solution that is easily integrated into any existing software or application, the main challenges for Seerus is to forge partnerships with these software packages/applications in order to be marketed directly on the ground.

Intellectual Property

The brands have been registered in the Benelux countries. Algorithms are the property of the company, the rest being open source codes.

Major contracts

The commercial launch of RealAdvice, the first marketable service of Keys of growth, has been marked by lively interest from our prospects.

After only 4 months of marketing, we already have more than 60 customers as well as 27 additional users in a free trial period.

We are pleased to be able to announce that today brands such as Victoire properties, FirstImmo or immobilière Hendrix place their trust in us. As far as the Seerus service is concerned, it has already managed to convince companies such as Viaxis, Vésale pharma, and Axis wellness without even being marketed yet.For larger "partner" type contracts, we are integrated into 7 of the biggest Belgian real estate software programs (and soon 8).○And we are finalising a contract with the ZIMMO portal so that our technology is integrated into their site: order of 1,400 inquiries for their 1,400 customers, 850 Real Advice questionnaires sent per day. This will be launched at the beginning of September.

Main partners

As RealAdvice is the only service marketed at the moment, all the partners below are players from the real estate world. The same approach - give or take a few details - is being planned for the Seerus opinion manager. 1) Partnership with the real estate software packages

Real estate software refers to IT solutions enabling agencies to manage their clients and prospects.

Creating a partnership with these players enables RealAdvice to be directly accessible from this software via the integration of RealAdvice within it.

Moreover, these partnerships allow us to gain credibility and visibility!

Today, we are integrated into 7 software programs (there are 9 in Belgium). 2) Professional organisation

We have also built partnerships with several professional organisations so as to enable us to have visibility at events they organize.This also enables us to take the opportunity to present our solution to key players in our market during the group meetings which are held once a year.The organisations with whom we are partners have been chosen so as to be represented in the three main regions of Belgium: Wallonia, Flanders, and Brussels.3) Partnership with the portalsWe are finalising the partnership agreement with Zimmo, and will then conclude the same with Immovlan, Shelterr, and Realo. Each one has indicated its interest in integrating the evaluations and reviews directly into their platform (see commercial strategy).