
The Crowd Economy to Take Center Stage at CSW Summit Brussels, June 5th

— Dernières nouvelles — lecture en 2 minutes

Crowd participation is transforming the way the world does business and finance. Crowdsourcing Week Summit Brussels – to be held at the city’s premier location for innovation, Living Tomorrow – will explore the crowd tools and tactics that empower organizations to drive creativity, growth, efficiency and agility... lire la suite…

MyMicroInvest's news

— Dernières nouvelles — lecture en 1 minute

Dear MyMicroInvest supporters, The time has come to thank you for your support subscribing to MMi. After 1 month of existence, our community counts more than 1.280 people! Here you have a short update about the last MyMicroInvest's news! What we do now? MyMicroInvest provides a platform for entrepreneurs to connect their business ideas with supporters, potential partners and business angels... lire la suite…