YNIOS Pharma 3A

total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 50 investors
  • Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign has been closed


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YNIOS PHARMA is working on treatments for intensive care conditions involving cell degeneration induced by inflammation, such as Septic Shock. Their research also focuses on organ transplantation, particularly kidney transplantation.

Since its inception, YNIOS PHARMA has shown promising prospects. Preliminary work on rodents has been very encouraging. We are now looking at a timeframe of months, as the coming months will be used to confirm our preliminary results in two final preclinical in vivo studies. If successful, at this level, the prospect of attracting a pharmaceutical company to use our technology becomes real.

We are pleased to share these key moments with SPREDS investors, who have supported us from the beginning, and invite you to consult, in addition to the information below, the mini-site https://fundsraising.yniospharma.com which we have prepared for you.

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The business model of YNIOS PHARMA involves generating revenue through licensing the assets under development once studies have demonstrated --as proof of concept-- their efficacy and safety. This allows us to avoid significant financial investments and long-duration work without guarantees of success.

The company's strategy is to partner with the best professionals in their field to achieve tangible and recognized results.

We have taken the opportunity to work with Prof. Jean-Louis VINCENT, a world specialist in Intensive Care, Prof. TACCONE, head of the intensive care unit at ERASME hospital in Brussels, and Dr. SU, COO of the intensive care unit laboratory at Erasme hospital. A collaborative program in Intensive Care for Septic Shock is scheduled to begin in July 2024, and should yield initial results a few months later.

We are also fortunate to work with Professor JOURET from the CHU of Liège for studies related to kidney transplantation.

The success of our programs would position YNIOS PHARMA as a new player with innovative technology in the intensive care field, a $54 billion USD market, and would enable the company to license --with royalties-- to pharmaceutical companies active in Intensive Care to complete the clinical and regulatory development of the drug, and distribute it in their markets.

Our revenue horizon from licensing our technology starts in 2025.

This campaign will be subject to the Tax Shelter up to an amount of €84,700. Investments exceeding this amount will be accounted for without Tax Shelter but, consequently, will not be required to remain in the capital for 4 years, potentially allowing for a quicker return on investment.

So, we invite you to participate in this fundraising, which, like any discovery and innovation, carries risks, but our preparatory work in laboratories and on small animals has shown good results, and, above all, the field is extremely interesting, bringing a real advance to patient survival and well-being.


Septic Shock is a severe disease characterized by widespread inflammation. It can be life-threatening and lead to multiple organ failures. Its incidence has increased significantly over the past two decades, with a mortality rate ranging from 25% to 80% of cases.

Each year, Septic Shock affects more than 30 million people and is one of the leading causes of death among critically ill patients worldwide.

Current treatments mainly involve blockers or pathway inhibitors, which represent a one-way mode of action, while cell physiology is dynamic and defense pathways are activated when needed and return to rest when healthy homeostasis is restored. We believe that the "inhibition approach" deprives the immune system of its natural regulation.

The strength of YNIOS PHARMA's approach lies in its compound TA64. It was designed to target innate immune pathways by modulating acute systemic inflammatory responses, thus protecting vital organs and promoting faster patient recovery. The TA64 compound offers new hope for the treatment of septic shock.

If successful, the studies on Septic Shock will pave the way for extension programs to related pathologies such as acute ischemic stroke and acute myocardial infarction.


Anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effect.

The proof of concept of YNIOS PHARMA's TA64 compound was conducted through in vitro studies on several types of neurons, myelin sheaths, keratinocytes and white blood cells, demonstrating the safety and efficacy, with a protective effect, of the TA64 compound against cell death in several types of inflammatory and neuroinflammatory lesions. It has shown nerve and myelin regeneration, a strong anti-inflammatory effect and respect for the homeostasis of healthy cells.

At the same time, TA64 had shown a 95% reduction in cell death in an in vitro model of oxygen and glucose deprivation.

In addition, YNIOS PHARMA's TA64 compound demonstrated an early and significant dose-dependent protective effect in an in vivo study on Sepsis, paving the way for a septic shock study in large animals. Previously, a significant reduction in IL-1β and IL-18 in an in vitro inflammasome model on blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), key in septic shock, had also been observed.

Finally, results from in vivo studies in rats showed a high safety profile of the TA64 compound in both healthy and diseased animals.

The in vivo study planned for 2024 in collaboration with the ERASME/ISICEM hospital, is a Septic Shock model of fecal peritonitis in sheep. Numerous biomarkers specific to the indication of septic shock will be measured and will allow to evaluate the impact of TA64 on the evolution of the disease.

On the intellectual property protection side, the TA64 compound has obtained a patent in Belgium and an international patent for which extensions in Europe, the USA, India, China and Japan are pending.


Our programs aim to demonstrate in vitro and in vivo proof-of-concept the efficacy and safety of our innovative technology in treatments where inflammation plays a deleterious role.


Septic Shock is a severe disease characterized by widespread inflammation. It can be life-threatening and lead to multiple organ failures.

There is no specific treatment for SEPSIS except for CytoSorb®, a therapy based on extracorporeal blood purification that reduces the excessive rate of inflammatory mediators.

Despite this, the incidence of Sepsis has increased significantly over the past two decades, with a mortality rate ranging from 25% to 80% of patients.

The goal of YNIOS PHARMA's treatment for Septic Shock is to reduce the release of inflammatory mediators and exert a protective effect on cells and organs, upstream of the CytoSorb® approach.


In kidney transplantation, all recipients experience some acute rejection. Chronic rejection can last for many years. The body's constant immune response against the new organ slowly damages the transplanted tissues or organ. Suppressing the immune response can prevent graft rejection. Immunosuppressants must be taken for life to avoid organ rejection, but they make patients more susceptible to infections.

The integrity of the organ to be transplanted is essential to reduce the risk of graft rejection. Managing the integrity of organs begins from extraction, transfer, transplantation, and functioning in the new body. Done well, it should minimize the host organ's immune system activation and reduce rejection.

YNIOS PHARMA's objective is to improve organ integrity throughout the transplantation process from organ pre-conditioning through immunomodulation to recipient treatment.


Value, license, scale-up

YNIOS PHARMA's business model involves generating revenue through licensing its assets under development once studies have demonstrated their safety and efficacy.

The company's strategy is to partner, through subcontracting or collaboration, with the best professionals in their field to achieve tangible and recognized results.

However, the company will recruit staff starting mid-2024, coinciding with the start of its Septic Shock studies. The company will add 4 highly qualified individuals to its team, creating a solid foundation outside the current founders/directors. Despite these new hires, the business model favoring subcontracting is expected to continue.

In terms of value, the company's strategy has been to maintain its initial value, apart from capital increases, during its preliminary R&D work. With the in vivo studies nearing completion, subsequent fundraising or licensing agreements with pharmaceutical companies will be based on a substantial upward revaluation of the company.

In the longer term, if successful, the Septic Shock studies will pave the way for extension programs to related pathologies such as acute ischemic stroke and acute myocardial infarction. These new programs will strengthen the company's valuation in the long term.