4 great reasons to invest in start-ups

— 2 minutes read

1. Participating in job creation

It has now become undeniable that in 2016, start-ups have contributed to the creation of an overwhelming amount of jobs in the Belgian landscape and have truly boosted the economy. Thanks to the financial support of investors for these small businesses with big dreams, many of these companies have been able to develop themselves and grow bigger and better every single year.

2. Profitable investments

Even though investing in start-ups is to be considered very risky, there is, however, a certain attraction for this type of investment due to the potential returns it can generate. Of course, no one can accurately predict the success or failure of a new company, and as we’ve mentioned, the risks are high. You can however try to minimise this risk using certain methods of diversification which are explained here.

3. Tax Shelter benefits

As of 2017, the Belgian government has started offering the benefits of the tax shelter to those who decide to participate in financially supporting entrepreneurship. This specifically aims to stimulate investment in early-stage businesses by providing incentives for investors. Indeed, a reduction of up to 45% of your investment can be applied to your taxes. To learn more on the subject, download our eBook here.

4. Share your experience and build relationships

Finally, investing is also about the connections you make and the experiences you get to share with the entrepreneurs you support. Not only do you offer financial support, you can also give them access to your network and offer them advice if needed - a unique aspect of supporting young businesses.

So even though many people believe that investing in start-ups is limited to a basic financial transaction between two parties, we here at Spreds know that it is much more than that. Investing in start-ups - whatever the amount - is also humanly beneficial for both the investor and the entrepreneur.