The Spreds Blog

How to steer in times of crisis?

— Startup successes | Other — 5 minutes read

[crisis-spread.jpg] A message from Gilles van der Meerschen, co-founder & Chief Business Officer of Spreds. Within my activities I see about 80 project leaders per month, with solutions that are both very valuable and (sometimes) far-fetched. They all have the merit to try, to risk, to expose themselves, to innovate and to be passionate... read more

CRUSO | Fundraising Testimonials

— Startup successes | Updates — 3 minutes read

[cruso-spread.jpg] What is CRUSO? Cruso is a Belgian brand with the ambition to represent Belgian furniture design with a high level of quality. The materials used are mostly natural and of selected local origin : 100% made in EU. Thereby improving the durability, long term value and circular value of all our products... read more

Spreds | Corporate Venturing

— Startup successes | Other — 1 minute read

[corporate-venturing.jpg] Spreds is offering you the opportunity to easily navigate the Corporate Venturing world by entering its unique programme and accessing interesting young companies... read more

Fundraising testimonials | FullUp

— Startup successes — 1 minute read

[fullup-spread.jpg] Catherine de Viron, CEO of the company Fullup gave us a few minutes of her time to share some feedback on her experience with our platform. After having raised €68.700 in less than 3 weeks, Catherine will remember only positive elements from this adventure “what a great experience! The follow-up and support we had from Spreds was really excellent... read more

3rd Jungle Bells edition – Sold out

— Startup successes | Jungle bells — 1 minute read

Our third Jungle Bells edition sold out once again (over 300 guests have already attended our Jungle Bells events). Our last event of the season took place on May 21st in Brussels. Here are the featured companies that got to present during this special evening... • Lexigogo Allows you to use your smartphone to create legally binding video contracts secured in third-party storage... read more

Funded Family Forum: The challenges of a growing business

— Startup successes | Other — 5 minutes read

A few weeks ago, we decided to launch the first edition of our Funded Family Forum. The concept behind the event? Bringing together experts and entrepreneurs who have successfully completed a campaign on our website and giving them keys to develop their business and raise funds... read more

Jumpsquare: another successful exit

— Startup successes — 4 minutes read

[Cover_Picture_YouTube_Jumpsquare(1).jpg] Spreds is proud to announce the official exit of its participation in the company Jumpsquare. This is its third exit in less than a year for the platform. A record-breaking exit   In less than 9 months, the investors in the company Jumpsquare were able to make a 35% profit from their investment... read more

Introducing the Startup Factory Tracer

— Startup successes — 4 minutes read

[startup-factory.jpg] Spreds and the Startup Factory studio team up to finance young companies The investment platform Spreds is now offering a new version of its diversification service Tracers by teaming up once more with the Startup Factory studio who has already created 15 new companies in 2 years... read more

Some tips for an effective fundraising

— Startup successes — 3 minutes read

Starting a fundraising campaign on Spreds requires time, preparation and a lot of self-involvement. To help you do that, here are a few tips… Preparation is the key to success! The first step is the campaign preparation – a fundamental step which includes a lot of elements: • Create a plan: this plan will be your guide in terms of actions and communication during the campaign... read more

Barnaby: first impressions

— Startup successes — 2 minutes read

The second Barnaby campaign raised €99,900 in less than two weeks. Due to the overwhelming success of the fundraising, we wanted to find out how the entrepreneur, Quentin Thireau, was feeling about the whole experience. This round of fundraising isn’t your first experience with MyMicroInvest… No indeed, this is the second time we’ve trusted MyMicroInvest for our fundraising process... read more