Digiteal 1A

Reinventing invoicing and payment
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 90 investors
This campaign has been closed


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Digiteal: Future European payments champion

Digiteal has developed innovative solutions to simplify your life. Managing and paying bills becomes a breeze ! Billions of paper bills are still sent in Europe. Digiteal avoids wasting tons of paper.

Digiteal has the ambition to become the champion of European electronic payment. For the moment, this market is mainly in the hands of American companies and the profits earned are leaving Europe. The European Commission supports the deployment of Digiteal in Europe !

We believe in openness. Based on European standards, we want to remove banking monopolies and give you the power to use your money anywhere in Europe without constraints.

All we need is you, our best ambassador !

In addition to the ecological impact and a better economic development in Europe, our goal is to multiply your investment by 10 in the next 5 years.

Three innovative products

Digiteal offers a platform for the management and payment of electronic invoices to simplify the life of European businesses and citizens.

As a BNB-certified payment institution authorized to operate throughout Europe, Digiteal can offer innovative payment services to pay in one click in complete security.

Finally, Digiteal offers an innovative solution of trusted payment to reassure the buyer and the seller. The buyer will only receive the funds if the goods / service has been delivered / provided.


Digiteal's target market is Europe.Customers are:- billers, mainly recurring billers (telcos, utilities, insurance, schools, administrations)- citizens and small businesses receiving invoices and making paymentThis represents a market of 37 billion bills/year.For trusted payments, the sectors that need it the most are the sectors with the highest payment risks. Construction professionals, used vehicles, import / export are sectors in strong demand for this product.


For a citizen, receiving an invoice and paying for it should be extremely simple. Do you feel that it's simple enough today?Digiteal's ambition is to simplify the billing and payment process for companies and citizens in Europe. We want to simplify the lives of more than 500 million citizens and reduce the costs of tens of millions of businesses.We rely on European standards to provide a solution for electronic invoicing and payments that is unique. This allows us to deploy our solution throughout Europe without relying on national specifics such as national payment systems. By providing our own payment services, we reduce our costs significantly and we have the freedom to offer our services anywhere and in a very ergonomic way. Simplicity is the word !

Digiteal received its approval as payment institution from the National Bank of Belgium on 30/10/2017. Digiteal is live since 14/11/2017.In November 2017, Digiteal received a € 950,000 European grant under the Horizon 2020 program for SMEs.We propose you to join following up a fundraising of 300K € which was carried out on 21/12/2017 by industrial (EASI), institutional (Leansquare) and private parties.

Marketing strategy

The business strategy for electronic invoicing is B2B2C:
- We convince accounting solutions, CRMs, ERPs and DSPs (document service providers that send tens of millions of invoices for third-party accounts) to integrate our solution through business contacts. The benefit to them is financial because they will receive a part of the revenues and they increase the value of their products.
- We then market our solution to billers through marketing and direct contact with major issuers. They adopt our solution to be paid better, more regularly and at a lower cost.
- Transmitted bills then contain a payment banner so that citizens can switch to e-billing and pay in one click.
Other approaches such as inbound marketing, testimonials and press conferences with the players who integrate our solutions are in progress.

Distribution strategy

We are contacting big issuers trying to get their CFO as a point of contact.
We contact integrators based on customers who use their services and would like to use Digiteal. We conclude with them an integrator agreement in which they are financially interested in sending a maximum of volume through Digiteal.
The onboarding is performed through self-service on our platform. Paid support is also available to help companies integrate Digiteal.

Internationalisation strategy

Our first goal is to firmly establish our activity in Belgium with testimonials and a significant revenue. Once this is done, we will have a good base to extend our solution internationally.
We made an analysis of the different countries of the Euro zone at first to qualify those that are the most promising. We will begin by deploying in those countries by supporting their language, finding distributors and starting with some first pilot companies in each selected country.

Intellectual Property

Digiteal has a patent for its payment system. In addition, all trade names are protected.For the rest, as it is a software solution, the intellectual property belongs to Digiteal but it can not easily be patented.We do not intend to license our patent to third parties, but we still offer our products as white label so that they can be integrated into other solutions.

Major contracts

For e-invoicing, we have 27 clients to date and letters of intent for more than 150 million invoices per year.For the trusted payments, we have 3 contracts signed with platforms for a total of 500 million euros of transactions per year.

Main partners

Digiteal makes its own developments. It owns the platform, web application and mobile apps on Android and IOS. This allows us to have very little variable costs.Our main partner is Belfius for the operationalisation of our payments.