EDP Renewables Belgium 1B
- Backed by over 80 investors

Marie Claret
Project manager
Marie joined EDPR in 2015 as Head of development and construction for wind energy projects in the Walloon region and Western France. She makes sure that the planning and the budget are followed and respected. A previous experience of 6 years in the development of renewable energy project (wind and solar) have helped her acquire some solid knowledge (administrative and technical).

David Pelletier
Head of wind development in Belgium and in Northern France
David follows the Belgian market for EDPR since 2013. As Head of development, he is the contact person, in Wallonia, for the industry actors (Syndicat EDORA, Administrations, political sphere).
Employed by EDPR since 2011, he benefits from an experience of more than 10 years in the wind energy development.