newsmonkey 1A

NewsMonkey is the dutch speaking news site for the digital reader. We bring a fresh wind in journalism, in which the bond between you and the journalist is central. Pure digital, free and connected with social media.
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 1490 investors
This campaign ended


NewsMonkey is the news site for the digital reader. We bring a fresh wind in journalism, in which the bond between you and the journalist is central. Pure digital, free and connected with social media. We want you as a user, as a member of the Monkey Family and even as a co-investor. Invest and join us in making the news of the future. News Monkey will go live mid December 2013.
News Monkey is rebellious and entrepreneurial
News Monkey was founded by 3 pioneers in digital news, the most experienced online specialists. An innovative and ambitious project for our country, in the hands of the journalists themselves, but with financial support from top entrepreneurs.
NewsMonkey is the news site for the digital reader. We bring a fresh wind in journalism, in which the bond between you and the journalist is central. Pure digital, free and connected with social media.
News by a strong team of journalists
With the best online journalists and experienced newsmakers we have the ambition to bring your daily news with a dose of criticism, but without being common. NewsMonkey brings journalism by and for digital natives.
NewsMonkey lives at the rhythm of the web sociale media
The web has changed our society has enormously, and also our news. NewsMonkey wants to fully embrace this change and use it as much as possible. We want to build a relationship with a young and open digital generation. A generation that embraces social media and uses it as ultimate new channel.
NewsMonkey is and remains for free
NewsMonkey wants to connect with as many consumers as possible. And we want to be open in everything: by being clear about what we do and how we make money. We want to share our articles with everyone. Without charge or pay walls. Our content is and remains free for you.


Renewal wins
All over the world new initiatives of journalism raise. Also here we have room for a fresh, new independent brand. Footloose and straightforward. Without the pressure of a large group, without the slowness and the ballast of Big Media. Sites like The Huffington Post (sold for $ 315 million), BuzzFeed (80 million visitors per month), but also the Dutch were once newcomers and today clear success stories.
The right team
Each new initiative can have a good financial plan or philosophy, but it is ultimately the people who have to do it. NewsMonkey has the very best people on board to make it a success. Experienced editors, both digital and from the 'classic' journalism. Experienced business people to ensure revenue. And a team of dedicated, digital native journalists who want to make the future now.
Clear business model
Our business model is crystal clear: we charge for online advertising and our content is for free. The future belongs to new digital brands, who opt for a clear and strong strategy. Crucial thereby is that advertising also embraces the social revolution: advertising that is just disturbing, with lots of bells and whistles but no contribution to the reader, does not make sense. Advertisements and articles should add value to the reader, made in such good way that you also want to share these with your friends.
A different kind of company
We create NewsMonkey for you, our readers. But we want to do more, if we really want to make bond with our readers in a different way than what exists today. We want to be an open media company that is always honest, clear and communicates clearly.


NewsMonkey gets its revenue from advertising. That will of course only be successful if we can attract enough visitors to the website. NewsMonkey is quite ambitious and targets 300,000 unique visitors per day after 3 years. The success of the site is completely dependent on the journalistic offerings. That should be strong and addictive enough.
Spreading our content is a very important point in our strategy. The offer, the unlimited accessibility, technology and building online communities through social media should guarantee this.
Therefore we make news that the reader will want to share via social media. Because he finds it important or because it touches him. NewsMonkey aims explicitly at this distribution method: our audience share what our editors publish. We have no printing presses and do not see ourselves as just one site. Because the strongest endorsement of your journalism, is when someone says, "I think it's worth wile, I want to share this with the world."