Screening Media 1A

The video sales accelerator for Belgian midsize retailers
total amount raised in round
This campaign has been closed

Market positioning

Screening Media is the national leader on the retail franchisee market.
Screening Media intends to keep leading the race when the remaining 500 shops will decide to modernise their shops and install video communication. When a new shop is open or when an existing shop is renewed (every 8 years on average), it is contractually obliged by its HQ to install video communication (5 screens for an AD Delhaize for example).
Screening Media is the leader through quality installations and video productions.

Market trends

Screening Media's main clients are big local retailers (AD Delhaize, Carrefour Market and Intermarché). These shops are all evolving towards open and streamlined design, which includes videos to increase communication impact. In Belgium, the global franchised market in the food sector covers 900 points of sales.

Screening Media's secondary and critical clients are local companies and shops that wish to promote their business in the stores where Screening Media is present. With an average of 30,000 clients per shop per month, local advertisers have a great opportunity to reach a large and extremely targeted audience.

At the end of 2016, only 27% of franchisees were equipped and it is estimated that 250 per year will need an integrated video system.

On the video market for franchisees, Screening Media is the clear Belgian leader and it will remain so thanks to its dual approach with local announcers.

The local announcer market is completely different and much bigger, it consists of thousands of shops and SMEs that spend 1 000 to 25 000 € per year in advertising. The digital video market has a strong growth of 35%/year.


Screening Media is unique in its positioning thanks to the integration of local announcers enabling rich and dynamic communication at reduced costs to all partners.

The two main competitors only offer standard retail solutions to the franchisees (Music Matic and BMG) and not as their core business.

Screening Media has therefore an edge as product and solution specialist for video content.