Jumpsquare 1A
The biggest indoor trampoline park in the Benelux
total amount raised in round
This campaign ended
Thanks to Jumpsquare Hasselt we are opening the biggest indoor trampoline park in the Benelux. We offer a unique indoor experience concept for young people & adults.
Currently no indoor trampoline parks of this size, with a focus on experience, exists in Belgium. Existing parks are either small with standard trampolines or are a little bigger, but lacking atmosphere and experience. Most of the trampolines are not very challenging for adults and they have to discover everything themselves. With Jumpsquare Hasselt, we offer a solution for that.
Experience is at the centre at Jumpsquare. We achieve this by bringing in Jumpmasters who can teach the visitors tips & tricks for jumping higher and better. This way the visitor gets a personal coach that will teach new techniques to both adults and kids.
Aside from the Jumpmasters we also made a deliberate choice in the type of trampolines: high-performance trampolines. With an available free height of 13 meters these high-performance trampolines guarantee an even bigger experience.
Adult group courses are being organised to emphasise the sporting aspects of the activity.

Marketing strategy
Jumpsquare focuses mainly on a young crowd but also on the B2B market. We mainly use social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, but also count on classic mouth-to-mouth advertisement. Comparable parks abroad have about 40.000 followers after one year and their communication gets quickly picked up and shared by media.
After the press conference about the project 5 articles in the local and regional newspapers were written as well as coverage on a regional TV channel.
Distribution strategy
Not applicable
Internationalisation strategy
Not applicable
Intellectual Property
Not applicable
Major contracts
Not applicable
Main partners
To make the concept a success, partnerships were created with Coca Cola, Inbev, Red Bull and Unilever.