Jumpsquare 1A

The biggest indoor trampoline park in the Benelux
total amount raised in round
This campaign ended

Market positioning

Jumping at Jumpsquare Hasselt is a complete experience. The price is €13 and includes one hour of Jumping under the guidance of a Jumpmaster.
The price also includes special Jumpsquare socks that ensure safety and hygiene.
During weekends, we organise a mini-jump for the smallest children. This is offered at a reduced rate.
There is no real competition for Jumpsquare, we distinguish ourselves from other entertainment parks by:
- Focusing on the experience
- Offering qualitative products in the Food & Beverage section
- Allowing visitors free entrance so that only Jumpers pay their entrance fee
With Jumpsquare Hasselt we want to create the first Jumpsquare establishment of a series in Belgium, every time with the same focus.

Market trends

The past 20 years we’ve seen everything in indoor and outdoor entertainment. From karting to bowling, from indoor playgrounds to laser shooting.

With Jumpsquare we add one item to that list: trampoline jumping.

All these activities are part of the indoor leisure sector which has attracted considerable investments over recent years.

There are many reasons why leisure remains popular:

- During school holidays kids and young people want change. They can't go swimming or visit an amusement park every day, variety is important.

- Our target group is always searching for new trends they can experience and share online.

- Terrorism and the recent crises incited people to spend more locally.

- The last few years many rich investors have invested millions in indoor/outdoor leisure.

Missing blob:


We don’t face real competition with Jumpsquare but of course we see colleagues from abroad exploring the possibilities in Belgium.

We also learned that various players are looking at Belgium to implement a concept similar to ours, but they have a different vision on trampoline parks.

While we focus on experience & fun, they only focus on jumping trampolines. The atmosphere and setting is not important to them, only the presence of trampolines.

With Jumpsquare we set ourselves apart from them on every level.

The location in the first place, but also the choice in types of trampolines (high-performance) and the combination with B2B.

For the B2B segment we set up a Ninja Parcours that stimulates competition between participants.