Turbulent 1A

The most profitable micro hydro power plant
1,600,000 €
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 160 investors
  • Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign has been closed


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Please bear in mind that for the present campaign, the total financing for Turbulent that can be obtained through the crowd amounts to €250.000, but is however limited to a subscription per investor of €5.000, as per the exemption of art. 18, §1, k) of the Law of 16 June 2006 on the Public Offering of Investment Instruments and the Admission of Investment Instruments to Trading on a Regulated Market.

Easy, reliable, renewable Hydropower, a sector that exists for more than a century. All kinds of techniques were tried to lower the usable head to under 3m, without success… Until now! Turbulent applies more than the classic hydraulic formulas, but instead is learning from nature to design the best low-head turbines, and this at a price than can easily compete with other renewables, and even diesel. These decentralized micro hydropower plants use a height difference below 3m, range from 15kW to 100kW and are built using standard components in a modular way. Combined with a biomimetic impeller design and a self-learning control software the plant is designed to keep efficiency high and maintenance low. Turbulent believes energy production can work together with nature to satisfy growing global energy demands. The technology is inspired by the natural principle of a vortex and will be able to deliver stable and affordable renewable energy without damaging the local ecosystem. A huge global potential is available which Turbulent will reach through its different segments and international distribution cooperation. At the moment, Turbulent has finished its first commercial turbine delivering 15kW to a Chilean farm using his local irrigation canal.


Affordable sustainability. Current cost of energy in renewables remain high. Efficient micro grid solar projects have a cost of ~€0,1/kWh, and small hydro even goes up to €0,27/kWh, which is financially not interesting.Large project risks. (large) Hydropower is subject to a very unpredictable decision process with high upfront costs.Energy security / Diesel generators. Rolling blackouts are a large issue in many (developing) countries. To counter these risks, expensive diesel generators are used in huge amounts to secure a continuous energy supply.Central energy production, requires a lot of distribution and stability infrastructure to reach the end customers adding to the total cost of energy supply. Current hydropower technologies using a head below 3m still require a lot of civil works and expert engineering requirements to function properly.


A cost efficient micro hydropower turbine to deliver local renewable and reliable energy without any impact! Target cost of energy <€0,04/kWh.·The turbine is specifically designed to efficiently use a large flow with low pressure allowing for bigger tolerances in the total construction and reaching all fish friendly parameters. Sediment and small debris can pass through without the need for additional structures. It is an Easy plug and play installation without the need for expertise. Because of the relative small size, pre-fabricated structures can be used, decreasing the local construction complexity. All this lowers the civil works and installation costs significantly. Additionally, Turbulent reaches Double the energy production with the same size turbine, compared with our vortex competitors. Using a modular design, Turbulent is able to mass customize each hydropower project to bring a perfect solution for each site without extra costs.

Marketing strategy

Turbulent is more and more becoming known as a brand for easily accessible microhydropower. By removing all the expertise and custom components from the build of a hydropower plant, we open up the market to non expert customers and project developers. As such Turbulent's main communication strategy is to educate people of the unknown potential they often have at their disposal with their river or canal. Turbulent is now becoming more and more active on social media and youtube, where we want to educate people and create a collaborative ecosystem for growing our technology. We are also organizing seminars for the large amount of distributors that are currently applying for the rights to develop potential sites in their country.

Distribution strategy

Turbulent will focus on a distribution through its partner network of Value added Resellers. These partners can be project developers, engineering firms, rural electrification entities, renewable energy providers (who currently focus on wind, solar, and hydro) or any other kind of contractor. The main need is to add the servie of civil works to the package of Turbulent turbines. Our goal is to secure 4 of these V.A.R.'s in 2018 and install the first pilot plants in every region that will then be used to showcase the technology and drive sales.

Internationalisation strategy

Over the coming 5 years, Turbulent’s strategy is to enter roughly 15 countries (~3 per year) through its own team in Europe and Chile and a network of distributors in Asia, North America and Africa. Besides that, Turbulent will increase its cooperation with energy producers like Engie to finance its projects and create a measurable impact in the global energy supply.
Turbulent will focus on the following priorities markets:
 Chile and surrounding countries Argentina, Colombia and Peru. Turbulent already entered this region and has a substantial network set up with ministries, industry, customers, and a local partnership with Engie to jointly develop hydropower projects.
 Emerging markets with local focus/beneficial policies on small hydro: Brazil, Indonesia / Malaysia and Philippines
 Developed European and American markets: establishing projects in developed countries with more rigorous regulation in terms of environmental impact and grid connection.

Intellectual Property

The freedom to operate of the turbine design has been evaluated together with the patentability of our specific research (appendix: evaluation and TURB0001 Patentability report). A patent has been filed by the beginning of 2016.IP Strategy Turbulent is expanding its IP protection to worldwide manufacturing hubs such as China and India, and leading markets such as the US and Europe. A hydro project using the vortex turbine needs a specific knowledge in order to develop and design the hydraulic structures of the hydropower plant correctly. The design of the hydropower projects is an activity on which Turbulent takes charge in all occasions and a part of the company value. A large part of the strength turbulent wants to play out is this knowledge on developing hydropower projects in a fast and agile way. By partnering with the right V.A.R. companies, such as complementary construction companies, Turbulent can develop its projects safely and successfully.

Major contracts

  • TAMM > Project value: ~350.000 euro expected to sign Q3 2018 > Future long term 5.4MW project: ~15.000.000 euro. (Exclusivity for Turbulent already signed)
  • Osorno > Turbulent sent a quote to prepare a feasibility study of 25.000 euro. Expected to sign Q3 2018. Total potential project of 200kW with a value of 700.000 euro. Feasibility study will define exact values.
  • Canalistas de Laja – Los Angeles > Project value: ~250.000 euro. Officially accepted by the CNR as part of their grant program for commercial projects (80% of the project granted by government). Expect to sign sale contract in July 2018.
  • Concha y Toro, Las Cabras > Project value: ~675.000 euro. Expected to sign Q3/Q4 2018.
  • Canal Huidobro > Project value: ~1.500.000 euro. Estimate signing in Q2-Q3 2018. Letter of intent signed with Engie.
  • Green School Bali > Project value of 25.000 euro for a first pilot in Indonesia.
  • DPI Engineering > project value: ~2.000.000 euro. Expected to sign Q3/Q4 2018, project starts in 2019.
  • Guinee > Project value: ~750.000 euro. Letter of intent signed. Expect signing of project 2019.

Main partners

Turbulent is supported by a group of internationally renowned Startup accelerators, being part of the prestigious Start-up Chile accelerator (being selected as 30 out of 10.000 applicants), P18 of Puerto Rico (to explore the Island markets), HotDesQ (for the Australian and Pacific) and the KBC owned incubator, Start.it@KBC. We have been supported by industry leaders and VC's such as IMEC, EIT Innoenergy and LRM. Our founder, Geert Slachmuylders, was selected as an Innovator under 35 (only 5 per year selected) and is able to draw from this network of high tech innovators. We are also partnered with large energy producing companies such as Engie, with whom we are beginning to develop MW size canal projects in Chile.