Tech Care For All 1A

The partner to drive digital health in Africa and Asia
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 100 investors
  • Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign has been closed


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Please bear in mind that for the present campaign, the total financing that can be obtained through the crowd amounts to 300,000 EUR, but is however limited to a subscription per investor of 5,000 EUR, as per the exemption of art. 18, §1, k) of the Law of 16 June 2006 on the Public Offering of Investment Instruments and the Admission of Investment Instruments to Trading on a Regulated Market.

Note: only €250.000 of the total crowd amount are available for the Startup Tax Shelter on a first-come, first-served basis.

Tech Care For All is a social impact company fully focused on accelerating Universal Health Coverage (the global Sustainable Development Goal #3 for health) by harnessing digital health technologies. At Tech Care for All we aspire to deliver social and economic results, together.
Success is :

  • Saved and prolonged lives in Africa and Asia
  • Skilled jobs created in African and Asian countries within thriving local companies
  • Ultimately, value created for our investors Digital health innovation is a unique opportunity to accelerate sustainable access to quality care in Africa and Asia.

Tech Care for All will build a portfolio of digital health technology sourced from all over the world to sustainably transform health outcomes: through licensing of proven existing products and developing new, proprietary solutions. We will drive improvements in health—from wellness/prevention to diagnosis, treatment, follow up and documentation of care.Tech Care for All will establish local companies that will successfully market and sell our technologies. This localized model for commercialization enables us to generate both a social return on investment (sustainable improvement of healthcare in low and middle-income countries) and, over the medium term, a financial return for investors. Our business model is innovative. We generate revenue through technology licenses and consulting assistance; through aggregation and reporting of unique data and insights; through grants from international donors interested in healthcare innovation; and from our sponsors and impact investors.


In poor countries there is an enormous toll of early death and needless suffering simply because people lack access to basic healthcare. Mothers die in childbirth, children die of preventable and treatable diseases like pneumonia, and increasingly, people endure dangerous chronic conditions like Type II diabetes or hypertension that go undiagnosed and untreated. For example in India, malnutrition and maternal/newborn causes account for the most early deaths, followed by cardiovascular disease, diabetes and infections (see chart at right; green is years of life lost and yellow is years of disability).

These same countries tend to have :

  • huge inequities between rich and poor in access to healthcare
  • acute shortages of health workers, especially serving rural areas and disadvantaged
  • diminished quality of care because doctors have poor access to training, supervision and up-to-date medical knowledge
  • inefficient/ineffective paper-based medical recordkeeping

Each of these problems can be solved or substantially improved through the use of digital health technologies, as we explain below.


Digital health is now poised to upend many of the ways healthcare is delivered in the poorer parts of our world.Digital technologies have enormous potential to make healthcare more integrated and more cost-efficient, to keep doctors better informed and patients much better connected to their care. Through its many manifestations—from distance learning and electronic medical records to telemedicine and patient messaging—digital health will also provide much better capacity to reach rural and disadvantaged populations.

Our approach to digital health uniquely combines 3 key elements:

  • 1 A senior team with unique combined experience in global public health, digital health innovation, and transformation consulting, backed by an unparalleled Board of Advisors
  • 2 A carefully curated portfolio of digital health technologies to answer a broad range of urgent unmet needs of patients, health care professionals and frontline community health workers. TC4A solutions will include electronic medical records, training platforms, telemedicine, mobile messaging and apps, social communities and online tools.
  • 3 Sustainable impact: We commercialize our technologies through carefully selected local entrepreneurs whom we empower with funding, coaching and mentoring.

Marketing strategy

TC4A portfolio is made of different digital health solutions that address key unmet needs across the entire patient journey. For instance, one of our product (Invivox) is a peer to peer community platform that enables doctors to find and attend to a training session with another specialist. All our technologies will be implemented according to the local infrastructure available in our key countries.
We will market our products before selling them through our local joint venture partners in our targeted countries.
Regarding our communication, we want to be identified as a main actor on the digital health market and a facilitator for developing an international business.
We will produce a communication content locally adapted with the good speakers to reinforce our editorial content. Finally we will leverage all key social media tools like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Youtube to connect with the digital health ecosystem and do the buzz around our story.

Distribution strategy

Tech Care for All will initially distribute and commercialize digital technologies in four key countries (Senegal, Ghana, Kenya and India) through joint ventures created with well-established local companies.
Products will be distributed by a sales and marketing team to health care centers and hospitals that will be the purchaser and implementer of key technologies such as electronic medical records.
In addition, third parties such as pharmaceutical, medical device companies and large foundations may pay for the distribution and adoption of digital health technologies because these technologies can gather information about diseases and treatments that help inform their business plans or philanthropic giving priorities.

Internationalisation strategy

With input from a wide variety of stakeholders and research we have developed the following execution plan in Africa and Asia:
• 2018: India, Senegal
• 2019: Kenya
• 2020: Ghana
• 2021: Philippines & Bangladesh
• 2022+: SAHEL Region + other Africa, Asia countries
Our country selection criteria was based on a matrix that includes level of need on the one hand and ability to build a successful digital health business on the other. Level of need is the number of people who die too young, of preventable causes, or suffer preventable illness and disability. Ability to build a successful business depends on: telecommunications infrastructure and mobile phone usage; ease of doing business; dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit within the local economy; and excellence of the country’s leading medical centers for treatment and training.

Intellectual Property

For technology that is developed by a third party, TC4A will own exclusive rights to commercialize those digital health technologies in our key markets. Several of our licensed technologies have applications pending for specific IP protection including patents. We have successfully licensed three digital health platforms and are in negotiations to license an additional 4-6 technologies by end of Q3 2018. For some digital health products,

TC4A will develop propriety technologies in our India tech center. In these cases, TC4A will fully own the IP of these solutions. Initial development plans include a youth engagement and community health platforms.

Major contracts

Our major contracts are the technology licensing agreements described just above. One is with Invivox, a leading peer to peer platform for doctors to book training (like a for medical and surgical education instead of hotels). The other is Notesfirst, a user-friendly, simple and frugal electronic medical record that works both online and offline (very important for countries where the Internet has incomplete coverage and/or is unstable.

Main partners

Development Partners
TC4A has signed an agreement to be “preferred partners” for implementing digital health projects with the major Dutch NOG Cordaid (Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid) in the in ten African countries where it works.

Joint Venture Partners in specific markets
oIn both Senegal & Kenya we are in active discussions with organizations that are candidates to be local joint venture partners with TC4A. oWe will execute and announce these partnerships by the end of Q3 2018. JV partners range from younger companies to well-established ones looking to expand into digital health.
India Technology Development Center

In Q3 2018 we will establish TC4A’s center for developing and refining digital health products for our business.