Playtreks 1A

PlayTreks, the ultimate music discovery platform.
total amount raised in round
  • Backed by over 70 investors
  • Eligible for a tax reduction
This campaign has been closed
This campaign has ended. If you have any more questions or remarks, do not hesitate to contact us via

Dominique M

Dear Playtreks team,

Thank you for the documents provided which already give a comprehensive overview of the situation.
I am missing a bit of a competitor analysis.
Who are your main competitors right now on the market? (Belgium, Europe, Global)

Also, how do you relate to companies offering services of management of copyrights and neighbouring rights for artists, such as Jamendo or Soundreef, but also a detailed analysis of which track is played where, with AI data analysis on the track performance, money retribution and so on? They have been on this market for 10+ years and offer services that are somewhat similar to yours. Do you see them as competitors? Do you see them as potential partners in the future?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Anjo D Entrepreneur

Dear Dom, how are you doing? Thank you for the great questions. Let me start of by saying that A) the competition is very limited because the two companies (for example Chartmetric) who are doing somewhat similar as a whole, focus on the record label market, this shows in their monthly prices of 150 to 240 monthly. Our focus is the DIY artist, producer, music fan. Also neither company is using artificial intelligence. B) the companies you are mentioning are more potential partners. Soundreef has a wonderful new way of collecting royalties, which i see as an end point in our cycle. Jamendo is a music download site, which is in no way. comparable or competitive to what we do. C) when talking competition, there are many "little" tools which cover one problem area. Yet we found that accumulating many of these services in one platform was the right thing to do. Like in many situations, the music industry sometimes is in the land of the blind, one eye in king situation. As we also own a record label we know everything about releasing music, and have been dealing with about 20 tools in order to make the music of our artists heard. We thought that was pretty crazy, paying a lot for monthly subscriptions if one can do it easier and on one platform. D) I am always happy to speak about what we do in detail, explain more about the market, and get to know the people who are investing in PlayTreks. Feel free to reach out at Kindest regards and stay safe, Anjo

Bart V


Jullie hebben het onder 'Financiën' over een gedetailleerd financieel plan. Kunnen jullie dat ook beschikbaar stellen?



Anjo D Entrepreneur

Beste Bart, hoe gaat het met u? Dank voor uw vraag, en wij sturen dit graag toe. Zou ik uw email adres mogen hebben opdat ik het direct aan u kan versturen?

Vriendelijke groet, Anjo

Toon B

Dag Anjo

Ik ben ook met interesse jullie campagne aan het bekijken.
Zou u dit ook naar mij willen doorsturen:


Anjo D Entrepreneur

Beste Toon, de additionele info is zojuist verstuurd. Dank u voor de interesse, en mochten er vragen zijn dan sta ik uiteraard paraat.

Vriendelijke groet

Bart V


Gaetan B


Mag ik ook de zelfde financieel plan krijgen? Mijn email is
